You Choose '08 Spotlight: John McCain
Next up in the You Choose '08 Spotlight is Senator John McCain of Arizona. Senator McCain's question for the YouTube community comes directly from his famous campaign bus, the Straight Talk Express. Traveling the country and telling Americans exactly what he thinks is a John McCain trademark – and now he's asking YOU for a little "straight talk" of your own here on YouTube.
As the Senator says, this is your opportunity to tell him and the other candidates what topics aren't getting enough "straight talk" in the campaign so far. It's a provocative question and one I hope you take him up on.
Presidential candidates only define the terms of the national dialogue if we let them. The You Choose Spotlight is your chance to speak up and speak out on what you think the candidates should be addressing. Let's see how Senator McCain and the other candidates respond…
To those who haven't tuned in to the Spotlight so far, the concept is simple: Watch the candidate's video, then upload your response. Then stay tuned for the candidates' reply to the videos they’ve seen.