We Interrupt This Broadcast to Thank the PowerPosters
The YouTube Help Forum is nearly entirely community-powered. In it, users answer each other's questions, share tips, and discuss the best ways to use the site and make videos. The system works pretty well: 78% of questions receive a response within three hours.
While there are a lot of helpful folks in the forum, we'd like to take a second to commend a group of exceptionally engaged and active users whom we've dubbed "the PowerPosters." They are: anmoose, battlefielddoktor, ebbixx, epontius, happycabbie, kohpelord, and rewboss. These folks are usually the first to offer advice, to set the record straight, or even just to provide a friendly word to other users looking for support. They've devoted tons of their personal time and boundless amounts of energy toward assisting users all over the world; they've helped to escalate about 250 site issues and contributed 5 tutorial videos to our Help Center. Sincere thanks to the PowerPosters for all they've done for our community and the betterment of the site.
While there are a lot of helpful folks in the forum, we'd like to take a second to commend a group of exceptionally engaged and active users whom we've dubbed "the PowerPosters." They are: anmoose, battlefielddoktor, ebbixx, epontius, happycabbie, kohpelord, and rewboss. These folks are usually the first to offer advice, to set the record straight, or even just to provide a friendly word to other users looking for support. They've devoted tons of their personal time and boundless amounts of energy toward assisting users all over the world; they've helped to escalate about 250 site issues and contributed 5 tutorial videos to our Help Center. Sincere thanks to the PowerPosters for all they've done for our community and the betterment of the site.
So, if you're having trouble uploading, need video formatting advice, or wonder how to participate in AutoShare, we invite you to stop by the YouTube Help Forum and post your question. While you're there, see how you can make a difference by participating as well. Who knows, you could be the next PowerPoster.