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Users can now opt in to Google identity on YouTube

By David Boyle

YouTube Staff

You may have seen that we’re allowing the use of one Google-wide identity on YouTube channels.  For partners, you won’t see this just yet. Currently, this option is only available for YouTube account holders with Google+ profiles, which represent individuals, and not for Google+ pages, which represent brands, businesses, and organizations.  

For many partners, Google+ pages are a better fit than profiles, because

  • Google+ pages can have the name of a show or organization, such as Geek and Sundry or Khan Academy
  • They can be administered by up to 50 people, and a single person can administer up to 50 Google+ pages

Once we have the bits ready, you’ll be able to connect a Google+ page to your YouTube channel. If you prefer to use the really awesome personal Google+ profile that you already set up on your channel, we’ll soon allow that for partners as well. Just be aware of the extra functionality pages have (above) that is not available for profiles.

Ok, I get it.  What should I do now?
After we enable partners to use a Google+ page on their channel, we plan to develop more innovative engagement features, like Hangouts on Air, that take advantage of the strengths of both YouTube and Google+. Stay tuned, and we’ll let you know about more opportunities that allow you to use Google+ and YouTube together soon.
