Near Austin during SXSW? Join us for a Partner Meet-up!
Calling all Partners who will be in and around Austin during South by Southwest this year: the YouTube team is hosting a Partner Meet-up at SXSW in Austin on Monday, March 12 from 4PM to 7PM. It's open to any Partners who'd like to stop by, listen to a brief presentation, and chat with members of our Partner Support team. Here are the details:
4 to 4:45 PM -- Presentation on YouTube updates, including Channels and Google+
4:45 to 5 -- Q & A with Presenters
5 to 7 -- Time to chat with other partners as well as YouTube presenters and team
Tap Room (at Six Lounge)
319 Colorado Street
Austin, TX 78701
Please confirm your attendance at and bring your government-issued ID, which is required.
4 to 4:45 PM -- Presentation on YouTube updates, including Channels and Google+
4:45 to 5 -- Q & A with Presenters
5 to 7 -- Time to chat with other partners as well as YouTube presenters and team
Tap Room (at Six Lounge)
319 Colorado Street
Austin, TX 78701
Please confirm your attendance at and bring your government-issued ID, which is required.
See you in Austin!