Check out and apply to the exciting new Labs at YouTube Space LA!
After extensive production training, our 21 amazing Comedy Lab channel participants are now actively creating new videos here, especially during our weekly collab days where they can take advantage of additional resources and play with special equipment like our steadicam and slow motion camera.
We welcome actionfiguretherapy, channelpktown, LaughAndPeeAlittle, Sam Macaroni, Schlabobble, BaratsAndBereta, helpmefindparents, steamroomstories, suburbanhomeboy, WhoisUTV, mitchmagee, Goldentusk, GREGandLOU, HSTSketchComedy, oldepayphone, 5secondfilms, Comediva, Cracked, LivePrudeGirls, and sweetteafilms. Check out their channels or if you are on the go, checkout the speed-dial playlist!
Up next, our Beauty Lab participants will be announced soon, and if you want to apply for our awesome Geek Lab, June 17- July 20th, please sign up HERE.