Looking to study alone, together? Come “study with me” on YouTube
Feb 05, 2024 – minute read
Feb 05, 2024 – minute read
You have a huge exam tomorrow, so you need to hunker down and focus on studying. A study group would be too distracting, but you also know you can’t stay motivated on your own. Thankfully, the “study with me” community on YouTube has you covered.
“Study with me” videos invite viewers to cowork with a creator, offering a supportive and motivating presence that makes the experience feel a little less lonely. They’re part of the popular “with me” trend, which began in 2010, that centers on creators turning ordinary, solitary tasks into communal experiences.
The range of “study with me” content available on YouTube reflects how there is no one “right” way to study — we all need a little something different. Maybe you need the relaxing hues of a moon rise set to lo-fi music. Or maybe you need the repetitive sounds of rain and the simple visuals of an organized desk setup so you’re not distracted by clutter. Or maybe you need more structure, like a timer based on the Pomodoro technique, to keep you on track.
There were more than 520M views of videos with "study with me" in the title in 2023.”
Today’s date (2/5) corresponds to the 25-minute intervals typically used in the Pomodoro technique, making it the perfect time to recognize the “study with me” community with a temporary YouTube logo (known as a Yoodle). There were more than 520M views of videos with "study with me" in the title in 2023, with views peaking in June 2023¹ when students in many regions were taking final exams.1
Beyond the productivity this content promotes, the best part of these videos is how comforting and calming they can be — whether you’re actively watching a vlog or passively listening to one in the background for 10 hours.
Ready to study with me? Let our playlist set the right mood to keep you focused.
1. Source: YouTube Data, Global, Jan 1 - Dec 31 2023.