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Brick by brick, the LEGO™ community inspires on YouTube.

In the first six months of 2024, there were more than 13 billion views of videos related to LEGO™ on YouTube.

Brick by brick, LEGO™ creators on YouTube have captivated the world with their awe-inspiring builds. In the first six months of 2024, there were more than 13 billion views of videos related to LEGO™ on YouTube.1

From constructing life-sized pinball machines to custom cities, these videos bring creators’ imagination to life using the LEGO™ sets’ versatile applications. Now as technology advances and becomes more accessible, fans are combining their endless creativity and video production skills to create fantastic worlds and compelling stories like none we've ever seen.

Often in the form of 3D animation and Stop Motion, creators unlock new bounds in storytelling, producing narratives on topics they’re passionate about, like reimagining the simple task of cooking to capturing thrilling chase scenes to even...venturing into a cyberpunk city?

In celebration of this beautiful community, we’ve made a special version of the YouTube logo (known as the Yoodle) and created a video spotlighting an array of LEGO™ talent, hosted by Emmasaurus and Citrine's Animations.

Have your mind blown? Be sure to head over to our playlist to learn more!

1. Source: YouTube Data, Global, 2024
