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Culture and Trends

Adjust your wardrobe for summer with YouTube style tips

By Jessica Mason

Communications Manager

The first day of summer is officially here in the U.S. As the temperature heats up, so do searches for what you can wear to the office to keep cool while not showing too much skin. Web search interest for “summer business casual” is skyrocketing in the U.S., and YouTube search interest for “summer fashion” in 2012 has nearly quadrupled since 2008.

Luckily, YouTube creators have answers to this pressing style challenge. Check out great tips on summer style and how to dress for the office without overheating:

And gentleman, worried about trying to rock a suit in this heat? Don’t fear - there are great summer style tips for you too:

Welcome to summer! If you’re in a part of the world where July and August bring cold weather, there are plenty of tips for how to dress for cooler temperatures too.
