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Road to 10 million subscribers with Pink Shirt Couple

The Pink Shirt Couple met in 2021, and exclusively catered their content to YouTube Shorts in 2023. They've grown from 1 million to 12 million subscribers since the beginning of the year.

Before they met in February 2021, Cayda and Alyssa were already well-versed in the content sharing world — with the former posting about Airsoft games and the latter about braiding. The two met at college as student-athletes on the swim team. As they were falling in love, both quickly realized they had the same dream of making content.

Together, they started to make TikToks, went live on video together, and gained a following doing Rubik’s Cube wars. By summer of 2021, they had reached a point where they felt they could creatively and financially pursue their dream full-time. Throughout this journey, they were posting long and short form videos on a few different channels, and learned a lot about analyzing analytics, editing and creating a style that worked for them. That next March, they moved to Arizona and continued growing and posting content.

In June 2022, after attending VidCon, they decided to start consistently posting short form content on YouTube. After they decided to specifically make content for YouTube Shorts instead of re-uploading their TikToks, they saw the kind of growth potential that was possible and have not turned back since.

What exactly is that growth? Since January this year, the Pink Shirt Couple grew from 1 million subscribers to 12 million today! In April, they held a party for all their subscribers to celebrate 10 million, and are being recognized daily by local fans. They aim for positive, fun, goofy, content suitable for all ages and families from all over the globe. No one knows what the future holds, but with their strong work ethic, innate comedic abilities and strong business skills, Pink Shirt Couple say they are just starting! Here are their tips for what worked for their channel.

Create a community

Concentrate on the positive interactions, both virtually and in real life. "We started a Discord server which brought a sense of community among our members. We also included our followers in our Rubik’s Wars directly through in-app purchases and an online store which greatly increased our ability to personally connect with our supporters," they shared. Offline, they found opportunities to make themselves more visible. "Being recognized in-person, we give each supporter a heartfelt thank you and give back to our local community through donations and visits as well."

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No shame on owning who you are

Be your own person! Alyssa’s channels were known as “The Alyssa Way," which was their way of featuring what made Alyssa unique. "There is only one you for each and every one of us. Appreciate and develop that person and don’t try to copy someone else’s content," they said.

Show your personality

"We both have big personalities but in different ways and we play off of each other well," the couple shared. "In the beginning, everyone thought we were siblings. Cayda has a comedic timing and personality that is so original and authentic. Alyssa is smart and has an innocent way of looking at things that make everyday an adventure."

Together, they're able to bounce off each other that made their content relatable, silly and endearing to their fans. Viewers can sense when interactions are inauthentic, so when you're working on a channel together, it's imperative to use that chemistry to your advantage.

Want to check out another couple working on a channel together? Learn more about the road to 1 million subscribers with married couple Reza and Puja Khan!

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