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Project for Awesome 2011 Begins Today!

By Hank and John Green

The Vlogbrothers

Today’s guest post comes from Hank and John Green, aka the VlogBrothers, with a reminder about how you can dramatically increase the level of awesome that exists around the world this year.

Last week, we asked you to participate in this year’s Project for Awesome. Today, December 17th at 12PM ET, is when all the awesomeness begins.

We’d love for you to join Project for Awesome by doing one of the following:
  • Upload a video for your favorite charity and tag it with “p4a.”
  • Share your and your friends’ videos on YouTube, your favorite social networks, and everywhere else. Also like, ‘favorite’ and comment on the videos and be sure to use #P4A.
  • Donate to your favorite charities and causes.

Thanks again for being awesome!
